SUNRISE STORE - Boutique africaine Bruxelles, Belgique

SUNRISE STORE - Boutique africaine Bruxelles, Belgique




You can send your order on our WhatsApp number and it will be delivered to you the same day or the next day. Deliveries are available from Tuesday to Friday. Once your order is sent, we will communicate all the details and prices to you so that you can check and confirm your order.

kwanga – plantain – pili pili – African shop Brussels – African store in Brussels – pondu – bisso na bisso – exotic fruits – saka saka – cassava leaves – attiéké – ngai ngai – bitekuteku – lenga lenga – long grain rice – semolina



Fresh vegetables are a veritable powerhouse of nutrients, providing a variety of vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals needed for the body to function properly. They are excellent sources of vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin K, folate, potassium, and magnesium, among others. These nutrients are essential for maintaining a strong immune system, supporting healthy vision, promoting bone health, regulating blood pressure, and ensuring proper muscle function.




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Poulet Moambe, Saka Saka, Ndolé, Liboké, Fumbwa, Kwanga, Makayabu, Pili Pili, Bongo Chobi, Mbika, Beignets, Nkumu, Ngai ngai, Madesu, Fufu, Chikwanga, Koko, Kanda, Moambé, Kumba, Fumbua, Maboké, Pondu, Feuilles de taro, Atanga, Okok, Poulet Mwambe, Gari, Igname, Manioc, Malemba, Gboma dessi, Nkate, Egusi, Ogbono, Maboke, Tapioca, Ragoût de tomate, Soupe d’écrevisses, Banane plantain, Ragoût de chèvre, Mbongo Tchobi, Koki, Beignets de banane, Riz Jollof, Feuilles de patate douce, Ragoût d’épinards, Feuilles de manioc, Soupe de noix de palme, Ragoût de cacahuètes







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